November 10 to 16, 2017
AGRITECHNICA 2017In November we were in GERMANY with our Stand together with the Argentine Agency of Investments and International Trade where we exhibited our products together with the vanguard in new developments of the agricultural industry.
September 18 al 22, 2017
PERUMIN 2017During the month of September we went to PERU to participate with great success in PERUMIN - Mining Convention, one of the largest mining conventions worldwide, with our EMEMSA distributor, where we present the benefits of our filtering systems.
April 25 al 29, 2016
EXPOMIN 2016We participate with our product line in the XIV Exhibition and World Congress for Latin American Mining, held in CHILE..
March 16 to 19, 2016
EXPOACTIVA NACIONALWe successfully participated in the Expoactiva Nacional fair in URUGUAY.
October 15 to 18, 2014
EXPOTRANSPORTEWe participate with acceptable success in the 9th edition of the Transport Expo. International exhibition of equipment and technology of motor transport of cargo and passengers.
Octubre, 2014
CERTIFICADO ISO 9001:2008We once again validated the certification in DNV Business Assurance in the Management System in DESIGN, PRODUCTION AND COMMERCIALIZATION OF AIR FILTER SYSTEMS FOR ENGINES AND PURIFIER OF GASOIL, effective until 2017.
September 19 to 28, 2014
EXPOCRUZ 2014We participate in BOLIVIA at the 39th Santa Cruz International Fair together with the Municipality of the City of Santa Fe.
september 10 to 12, 2014
EXPO MINA PERU 2014We say present in PERU; at the largest mining fair in 2014 next to the Argentine mining pavilion.
June a to 6, 2014
EXPO MINERA SAN JUAN 2014Oblan SA presented its line of filters and prefilters in the V International Exhibition, San juan "Factor of Development of the Argentine Mining". International Exhibition of large equipment, machinery, supplies, spare parts and services for the Argentine Mining Industry in the City of San Juan, Argentina
February, 2014
New WEBSITEWe renew the design of our website by developing an innovative product search engine and we bet on social networks such as
Facebook and
Youtube, with a design adaptable to mobile devices.